VNC access

This part is optional, but I believe that it is very useful. You will be able to do everything just fine only with ssh. But it does not hurt if you have access to the visual part of the OS. Especially if you’re new to Linux and are used to Windows. With VNC you can remotely connect to your Raspberry Pi and work with the graphical interface.

For starters, install VNC with apt-get install tightvncserver. Set the password by typing in tightvncserver  and type a password for VNC connections when prompted. You can skip entering the password for viewing only. If you reboot now, VNC will not auto start, so let’s take care of that. You have to move to the following directory using cd /etc/init.d/. Download the vncboot file that contains everything needed to auto start vnc at boot – wget This script by default is not executable, so you need to change this. Type in chmod 755 /etc/init.d/vncboot and confirm. Now enable dependency based boot sequencing update-rc.d /etc/init.d/vncboot defaults. Should you run into an error such as update-rc.d: error: unable to read /etc/init.d//etc/init.d/vncboot you will need to issue another command. Put in update-rc.d vncboot defaults. Reboot and while it is loading, you need to install some software on your computer. To test if new settings work, you need to install Ultra VNC (if using Windows) on your personal computer. The installation itself is nothing special, so I will skip this part. Run Ultra VNC viewer and type in the IP of your Raspberry Pi. You should get a prompt asking for a password. Type it in and you will be presented to the graphical part of Raspbian.
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